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PAC Executive

The PAC Executive for the 2024-2025 school year is:

President: Megan Peddie (

Vice President:  Jochelle Perena (

Secretary: Sheri Gurney (

Treasurer: Leah Hatton (

Communications Coordinator: Yen Nguyen (

Fundraiser Coordinator: Vacant

VCPAC Representative: Vacant


  1. Kathleen Meiklejohn

  2. Meghan Krauss

  3. Katie WaterDonald

  4. Nicole Hughes

Non-Executive Leadership:


Hot Lunch Coordinator: Rebekah Aguirre (

Friday Treat Sales: Heather Thornburn (

Spring Fair Chair: Amanda Ahokas

Canadian Parents for French Representative: Vacant

Roles of the Executive:



  1. Liaise with administration

  2. Help prepare meeting agenda

  3. Chair meetings

  4. Represent the PAC when available


  1. Chair meetings when President is unavailable

  2. Assist President as needed


  1. Create agenda and send to school community

  2. Record minutes at PAC meetings and distribute as needed



  1. Balance the books each month and prepare a report on financial status for the monthly PAC meeting

  2. Pay bills, write cheques

  3. Apply for the Gaming Grant each year (optional could be delegated to another member)

  4. Maintain a float in the office safe for events and count and deposit all funds from events 

       (do not have to be present at event can be stored in the safe for later) 

Member at Large

  1. Attend PAC meetings and assist as necessary

  2. Consult with the executive as needed

  3. Lead projects for PAC if desired

Social Media Coordinator

  1. Update and maintain the PAC Facebook account

  2. Assist others in advertising events with posters etc. 


Fundraising Coordinator

  1. To be made aware of the time and dates of all the fundraisers in the school including classroom led events so as to help coordinate them

  2. To lead fundraising committees or events (e.g. bottle drives)

  3. To recruit people to the fundraising committee with the help of the rest of the PAC.

  4. Does not need to be on site during every fundraiser  


  1. Represent Marigold at the Victoria PAC meetings and report back to the school on what is decided at this level 

  2. Friday Treat Sales Coordinator

  3. Stock the freezer with treats

  4. Set up a volunteer sign up for volunteers for Friday treat sales


Hot Lunch Coordinator

  1. Maintain the hot lunch website - main job

  2. Chair the hot lunch committee to decide on what will be offered and take turns putting in orders

  3. Coordinate committee members or other volunteers to deliver the lunches to classrooms, put in the orders to the vendor and field questions if there is a problem that day.  Note the hope is that if there are several parents working together on hot lunch then there will be minimal effort required.   

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